Majoring in Global Islamic Studies
Global Islamic Studies focuses upon the analysis of the cultural, political and religious influence Muslims have in the globalized world by examining their past and present. You study how Islam became a fast-growing world religion and how perceptions of Muslims and Islam impact policies and conceptions of citizenship in both Muslim-majority and non-Muslim-majority countries throughout the world. Our faculty have specialized experience in Europe, South Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.
Language study
Language and culture are inherently intertwined. As a Global Islamic Studies major or minor, you are required to undertake advanced language study—two semesters at the intermediate level or higher in the same language related to the focus of your GIS studies. You can choose from Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Russian, or Spanish, although another language may be selected with the approval of your faculty adviser. Students may also participate in the Structured Independent Language Study (SILS) program to study other languages such as Bengali, Colloquial Arabic, Hindi, Persian (Farsi), Turkish, and Urdu.
Study abroad
You will be encouraged to seek a study away program tailored to your particular interests. You might choose to study in Russia, Germany, Jordan, Morocco, India or another country . You will also work with a team of faculty and career advisers to find or develop a skill-building internship, in the U.S. or abroad, that relates to your studies and career goals.