The following links may be useful to faculty when considering service-learning components for their courses.
Campus Compact is a coalition of college and university presidents committed to helping students develop the values and skills of citizenship through participation in public and community service. It is the only national higher education organization whose primary purpose is to support campus-based public and community service.
101 Ideas For Combining Service & Learning
This resource lists higher education service-learning projects that have been successful. Contact information is listed when available.
New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE), founded in 1988, is dedicated to improving colleges and universities as workplaces, communities and organizations.
National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) is a non-profit membership association of educators, businesses, and community leaders. Founded in 1971, NSEE also serves as a national resource center for the development and improvement of experiential education programs nationwide. NSEE supports the use of learning through experience for intellectual development, cross-cultural and global awareness, civic and social responsibility, ethical development, career exploration, and personal growth.
The Michigan Journal of Service Learning is an academic journal containing papers written by faculty and service-learning educators on research, theory, pedagogy and issues pertinent to the service-learning community.
National Service Learning Clearinghouse is a national guide to service learning resources focused on K-12, higher education, community-based efforts and tribal programs.