Self-Scheduled Examinations - Spring 2025
- Classes end Wednesday, May 7
- Review days are Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9
- Exams begin at 8:30 am on Saturday, May 10
- Exams end for graduating seniors on Monday, May 12 at 4:00 pm
- Exams end for non-graduating students on Wednesday, May 14 at 11:30 am
Exam Periods
- 8:30 am - 11:30 am; 1 pm - 4 pm; 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- On Wednesday, May 14, there will be an 8:30 am - 11:30 am session only
- Exam Centers open 20 minutes prior to start time
- The official writing time for exams is three hours
- Exams MUST be returned no later than 11:30 am, 4 pm, or 8:30 pm to be in compliance with exam procedures
Exam Center
- The designated Exam Center is Ernst Common Room in Blaustein Humanities Center (lower level)
- Exams are issued from and must be returned to the Exam Center
- Exams are taken in Blaustein classrooms designated as exam rooms
- Cell phones, ipads, tablets, laptops, and any devices with internet connection are never permitted in exam rooms
- The Exam Center is locked when not in use
- Students may not leave the exam building (Blaustein) with an exam
The following self-scheduled examinations are to be taken in the exam building during any of the exam periods listed above. Students may use the materials indicated. Cell phones, ipads/tablets, or any internet connected devices are never permitted.
The list of exams and the materials allowed are subject to change. Please confirm information during Review Days.
Instructor Name | Course | CRN | Materials Allowed |
Graesch, Anthony | AMS 202 | 10069 | None |
Graesch, Anthony | ANT 202 | 10068 | None |
Weinstein, Michael | AST 110 | 10550 | Calculator |
Hardeman, Kris | BIO 209-1 | 10337 | Calculator and four 3" x 5" note cards |
Bernhard, Anne | BIO 209-2 | 10340 | one 8.5x11" sheet of paper with notes (can be front and back) |
Douglass, Stephen | BIO 398 | 10779 | None |
Suriyapperuma, Sardha | BOT 105 | 10106 | None |
Siver, Peter | BOT 205 | 10109 | None |
Ching, Stanton | CHM 104-2 | 10837 | Calculator; 8.5x11" sheet - hand write on both sides whatever they would like prior to the exam |
Stewart, Jacob | CHM 214 | 10504 | Calculator and one page of notes |
Zimmer, Marc | CHM 216 | 10508 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | CLA 101 | 10033 | None |
Becker, Timothy | COM 304 | 10145 | None |
Douglass, Stephen | COM 307 | 10146 | None |
Andrade, Michael | ECO 111-1 | 10036 | Calculator, ruler |
Andrade, Michael | ECO 111-2 | 10037 | Calculator, ruler |
Andrade, Michael | ECO 111-3 | 10038 | Calculator, ruler |
Priyanka, Sadia | ECO 112–1 | 10039 | One page of notes and calculator |
Priyanka, Sadia | ECO 112–2 | 10040 | One page of notes and calculator |
Lopez Anuarbe, Monika | ECO 112-3 | 10041 | Non-graphing calculator |
Stelzner, Mark | ECO 205-1 | 10044 | Calculator |
Cruz-Saco, Maria | ECO 206-1 | 10045 | Calculator |
Cruz-Saco, Maria | ECO 206-2 | 10046 | Calculator |
Lopez Anuarbe, Monika | ECO 240-1 | 10051 | Non-graphing calculator |
Chavanne, David | ECO 255-1 | 10052 | None |
Stelzner, Mark | ECO 304-1 | 10053 | Calculator |
Chavanne, David | ECO 317-1 | 10055 | None |
Jones, Chad | ES 100G | 10156 | None |
Graesch, Anthony | ES 203 | 10070 | None |
Zimmer, Marc | ES 216 | 10509 | None |
Abdi, Sana | FRH 102-1 | 10089 | None |
Levi, Jacob | FRH 102-2 | 10090 | None |
Austin, James | FRH 202 | 10092 | None |
Levi, Jacob | FRH 301 | 10093 | printed PDF of assigned text; a 5"x7" notecard with notes |
Anuforo, Love | GER 102-1 | 10099 | None |
Atherton, Geoffrey | GER 102-2 | 10100 | None |
Atherton, Geoffrey | GER 202 | 10101 | None |
Evans, Brett | GRK 221 | 10167 | None |
Evans, Brett | GRK 321 | 10168 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | HIS 108 | 10034 | None |
Sica, Paola | ITL 202 | 10177 | None |
Harlow, Devon | LAT 102 | 10184 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | LAT 202 | 10185 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | LAT 333 | 10186 | None |
Irwin, Whit | MAT 108-1 | 10438 | 8.5" x 11" formula sheet and a calculator |
Irwin, Whit | MAT 108-2 | 10904 | 8.5" x 11" formula sheet and a calculator |
Thompson, Vince | MAT 111-1 | 10257 | Calculator only |
Thompson, Vince | MAT 111-2 | 10258 | Calculator only |
O'Keefe, Augustine | MAT 112-1 | 10259 | None |
O'Keefe, Augustine | MAT 112-2 | 10958 | None |
Hammond, Christopher | MAT 113-1 | 10260 | None |
D'Ovidio Long, Abbey | MAT 226-1 | 10445 | Scientific calculator |
Wardak, Obaidullah | MAT 230-1 | 10780 | Calculator and an extra blank sheet |
Schroeder, Joseph | NEU 332 | 10732 | None |
Pessin, Andrew | PHI 279 | 10488 | 4"x6" index card, handwritten notes on both sides |
Gianninas, Alex | PHY 108 | 10560 | Scientific calculator |
Weinstein, Michael | PHY 110 | 10564 | Calculator |
Nier, Jason | PSY 201-1 | 10370 | Calculator |
Nier, Jason | PSY 201-2 | 10372 | Calculator |
Schroeder, Joseph | PSY 332 | 10396 | None |
Lanoux, Andrea | RUS 202 | 10568 | None |
Kuder, Emily | SPA 201-1 | 10494 | None |
Koehler, Jessica | SPA 201-2 | 10495 | None |
Steinhaus, Meghan | STA 107-1 | 10187 | Calculator and single sheet of paper (8.5x11) with their own hand-written notes on both sides |
Steinhaus, Meghan | STA 107-2 | 10188 | Calculator and single sheet of paper (8.5x11) with their own hand-written notes on both sides |
Wardak, Obaidullah | STA 230-1 | 10781 | Calculator and an extra blank sheet |