Jason A. Nier

Jason A. Nier

Professor of Psychology
Data, Information, and Society Pathway Co-Coordinator

Joined Connecticut College: 1999

M.A., Ph.D. University of Delaware
B.S. The Pennsylvania State University


The assessment of intergroup attitudes

Reducing intergroup bias

Contemporary forms of discrimination and the enforcement of civil rights laws

Jason Nier is a social psychologist whose research focuses primarily on intergroup relations. As a result, he is concerned with the psychological processes that are responsible for prejudice and discrimination, and the processes through which biases may be reduced.

Within this broad area he has several specific interests:

1. The assessment of intergroup attitudes - What different techniques can be used to measure individuals' attitudes toward different groups?

2. Reducing intergroup bias - Through what psychological processes can prejudice and discrimination towards those who belong to different groups be reduced?

3. Contemporary forms of discrimination and the enforcement of civil rights laws - What are the implications of social psychological research for Title VII and other anti-discrimination laws?

Nier has authored or co-authored several articles and book chapters, which have appeared in journals such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Nier also co-authored a book chapter which won the 1998 Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, awarded annually to the best paper in the field of intergroup relations.

He teaches social psychology, research methods, advanced psychological statistics and experimental social psychology.

Visit the psychology department website.

Majoring in Psychology.

Contact Jason A. Nier

Mailing Address

Jason A. Nier
Connecticut College
Box # PSYCHOLOGY/Bill Hall
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320


402 Bill Hall