The following information is intended for internal use only by members of the College community.
To get the biggest audience possible for your on-campus event, plan and promote your event on campus using any or all of the methods listed below. Promote early and often—and allow at least three to four weeks for maximum publicity.
Check the College calendar
Before reserving the space, check the reservations in EMS for the date and time you prefer. Ensure your event won't conflict with another that would be of interest to the same audience.
Before you book your event, please consider the following event-related details:
- What size audience do you expect?
- What type of venue will best suit your event? (auditorium, meeting room, etc.)
- Will it be open to the public, for the campus community only, or a private event?
- Do you anticipate presidential participation at your event?
- What support services will you need? (catering, campus safety, audio/visual set up, etc.)
Reserve the space
- Staff and faculty may reserve space by using the EMS Web App.
- Student organizations submit event requests via ConnQuest. Individual students who want to host an event must be sponsored by a department or student organization. The Office of Student Engagement reviews club events for approval and the Office of Residential Education and Living reviews house events. Once approved, events are added to ConnQuest and the College’s calendar.
- Please note that if you are reserving the space before you have all the details finalized, you must follow up and notify Events to be sure your calendar listing is complete; the most successful events have an interesting title and thorough description.
Make it sound interesting
When submitting information about your event to Events, ConnQuest or a department or organization representative, be as thorough as you can:
Give it a catchy title
The name of your event matters. Many events are scheduled on the same day, so you will be competing for attention with many other events on the College calendar. Instead of just "Psychology Lecture," give the name of the lecture itself. "Lecture: The Biography of Sigmund Freud." Rule of thumb: Keep it short and catchy and capitalize the first letter of each word.
Provide a full description
Provide a description of your event–even a brief sentence helps people understand what your event is about. And remember to double-check spelling, grammar and accuracy. Tell us who, what and why. Tell us something about who’s participating by providing professional titles or brief descriptions. For example, “Jane Smith is a professor of psychology at Oxford and an author well known for her biography of Sigmund Freud.” And consider listing who the event would appeal to. For example, “Anthropology and religious studies majors will find this speaker interesting because …”.
If your event is listed on the calendar and is open to the public, the Office of Marketing and Communications may be able to interest the media in your event if it is newsworthy in some way: the first of its kind or part of a larger trend or has a human interest connection or local angle. If you think your event might be newsworthy, please email fill out this form well in advance of your event. Please allow at least three to four weeks for maximum publicity.
Please note that during the Academic Year, Marketing and Communications updates local media one month in advance of all of the public events at the College. Please make sure your event, including all the details, is listed on the College calendar by the 15th of the month preceding your event so that it can be included in the media release. If details are missing, your event cannot be included.
This Week at Conn
Once you've provided a title and description for your event, it will be approved and automatically appear on the College Calendar of Events. If you would like to request that your event be featured in This Week at Conn, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at
Post a Camelweb announcement
(For advance reservations only)
If your event requires advance ticket purchase or a reservation, you can submit an announcement to CamelWeb through this form. For example, “Space is limited: Reserve tickets now for the Fundraising Rally!” Provide the date of the event, and a link to the reservation page or form.
Post it
Create a poster. The College has provided several Microsoft Word templates to help you make your own. Be sure to check for typos and errors before printing. Please forward your poster to so it can be added to the calendar event.
Promote it
Send your event poster to @ConnCollege on Instagram to be included in our “Events this Week” Instagram Story, which goes out on Sundays.
Voice it
Contact the student newspaper, The College Voice, so the staff can consider covering your event. You can also purchase an ad in the paper at special rates for on-campus advertisers. The business staff at the paper can design the ad for a small fee. Email about coverage and visit for advertising rates and more information.
Target it
If your event is open to the public, consider reaching out to potential audiences off-campus. Local schools, religious institutions, nonprofits and clubs often seek out activities for their students and members, who can be enthusiastic participants at College events.
Get creative
Think of new ways to promote your event. Students have had success doing brief presentations in dining halls during meal times, staffing information booths in Cro and outside dining halls, and chalking sidewalks in busy areas on campus. There are many ways to get the word out, so find one that would most resonate with the audience you’re trying to attract.
Promoting something other than an event?
Submit an announcement through the form. Announcements appear at the top of the Today at Conn email and webpage, as well as the top of CamelWeb.