IMMEDIATELY notify the Director of Environmental Health and Safety at ext. 860-439-2252 for ALL spills, regardless of material, quantity or location.
After hours, call Campus Safety at ext. 860-439-2222.
The Director of EH&S will determine what spills can be cleaned up by College employees using the following criteria:
- The physical and health hazards of the spilled material are known
- Employee(s) have the training or expertise necessary to proceed safely
- The amount and location of the spill is within the capability of College employees to handle
- The necessary spill response supplies and equipment are available
- The necessary safety/personal protective equipment are available
If the answer to ANY of these questions is "no," the area will be evacuated, and assistance from the New London Fire Department and/or a Spill Response Contractor will be requested.
See specific spill response procedures for asbestos, hazardous chemicals, mercury and oil and petroleum products.