Changing the culture: activism on campus
Every college and university must have in place mechanisms for fairly and equitably handling complaints that College sexual misconduct and sexual harassment policies have been violated. However, what is equally important is preventing sexual misconduct from happening. To that end, there are groups at Connecticut College whose mission is to create a strong culture of healthy, consensual relationships among students, and civil, professional and respectful relationships among faculty and staff. We encourage everyone's involvement.
Organizations for students to become involved with include:
- SafetyNet, led by Nicole Powell, director of sexual violence prevention & advocacy
- F.R.E.E. Center
- LGBTQIA Center
- The Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
Employees are encouraged to attend relevant programs and training sessions when they are offered. The Office of Human Resources, the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and the Title IX Coordinator can share information about upcoming programs, and others can be found on the College calendar.